
We are grateful for your generosity, Santa Maria! Your faithfulness makes it possible for us to be a church that is innovative and responsive to the needs of our community.

Why Give?

When you give to Santa Maria Church, your giving translates into authentic compassion in action. Your contribution makes world-changing impact across the breadth of our ministry. Everything from inspiring kids and students to grow and learn in a safe, engaging environment to ensuring that weekly gatherings and groups continue to connect people with one another and the hope of Jesus.


Fusce ipsum erat, cursus et vestibulum et, malesuada et risus. Mauris suscipit scelerisque quam, at vehicula urna vestibulum quis. Mauris posuere dictum viverra. Proin quis egestas ligula, sit amet interdum massa. Nulla maximus lacus at enim interdum posuere. Etiam eu feugiat lectus, at suscipit quam. Suspendisse bibendum laoreet nulla, in cursus urna semper ut.

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